Become a Member

MRUC India believes that media and marketing professionals can contribute immensely to the aims and objectives of MRUC India, which is to set benchmarks and high quality standards of research in India. This participation is only possible by becoming members of the Council.

Members are invited to represent their organisation at the Technical Committee and the Marketing Committee Meetings wherein they can participate and give the Council direction on the industry’s research and marketing requirements. MRUC India also seeks representation of senior professionals from its member constituents, to participate in achieving the Council’s objectives.

Members of MRUC India can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Get involved in the research design
  • Assist the Technical Committee in areas of quality control and new research projects
  • Assist the Marketing Committee in promoting the cause of the Council
  • Receive newsletters, invitation to workshops or open house sessions conducted by MRUC India.
  • Nominate a representative to the MRUC India Board of Governors
  • Avail special discount on reports/products on subscription to IRS reports
  • Be part of the data validation process
  • Apply for accompaniments and back checks for field visits

Associate Members

For those companies who want to become a member of MRUC India, but fall outside the purview of advertisers, advertising agencies, etc.